At the Eastview Mall in Victor, around 40 businesses had set up shop to find area residents qualified to fill various positions in their firms. We set up a table about CATS, with service information as well as surveys and maps depicting the routes throughout Ontario County. A couple hundred people attended the job fair, and more than half stopped at our CATS table.
Some folks attending the fair were unfamiliar with CATS, either because they owned an automobile or lived in another county. Many others had either ridden CATS fixed-routes or used the Dial-A-Ride service, which picks riders up at their doorstep and takes them exactly where they want to go. We were able to help several Ontario County residents learn about which CATS services could help them get around the county. In fact, one woman was delighted to learn that her elderly mother could use the Dial-A-Ride service’s senior discount to go to appointments and to run errands.
A few people who stopped at the table filled out our survey, which is a brief series of questions asking about a person’s familiarity with the bus routes, use of CATS, and changes he or she would like to see to make the service better. An online survey is here: www.transitsurvey.info. We encourage everyone to follow the link and tell us what you think!